Dr. Barbara Wilson
Professional Psychiatric Services
We recommend that you contact your insurance company before your first visit with Dr. Wilson. The contact number is usually on the back of your insurance card. Links to common insurance carriers in the Upper Valley are below. When you make that call, we recommend that you ask the following questions:
What are my medical/mental health benefits to see a psychiatrist?
Do I need an authorization for mental health treatment and if so, how do I obtain it?
Do I have out-of-network benefits for mental health?
Do I have a deductible for mental health services and if so, how much?
At what rate will I be reimbursed for mental health services (the usual range is 50% to 80%)?
What is your claims address?
How do I submit a claim?
You also may want to ask to what extent your health insurance plan reimburses for the following common psychiatric services:
CPT CODE: 90792 (Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation with Medical Services)
CPT CODE: 90832 (30 Minute Individual Psychotherapy)
CPT CODE: 90833 (30 Minute Psychotherapy and Medication Management session)
CPT CODE: 90837 (60 Minute Individual Psychotherapy)
CPT CODE: 90838 (60 Minute Psychotherapy and Medication Management Session)